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Feed Title: Sermons from New Hope Community Church
The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams


Title:  Destroying Altars
Description: Learning why Jesus required the rich young ruler to give away his wealth before following Him.
Release Date: 12/08/2024

Title:  The Heart And Soul of Goodness
Description: Learning that only those wrapped in God's perfect goodness through Christ will inherit eternal life.
Release Date: 12/01/2024

Title:  A Heartfelt Thanksgiving
Description: Learning the dangers of formalized religion and the importance of worshiping God with our whole heart.
Release Date: 11/28/2024

Title:  Lessons on Kingdom Significance
Description: Jesus teaches practical and spiritual lessons concerning Kingdom significance and those who will ultimately enter the Kingdom of God.
Release Date: 11/24/2024

Title:  Losing the Crushing Burden
Description: Finding the Gospel in the compelling parable of the Pharisee and the Publican.
Release Date: 11/17/2024

Title:  Learning the Art of Following
Description: Learning the importance of only following those who are following Jesus.
Release Date: 11/17/2024

Title:  Prayers of Kingdom Faith
Description: Learning the profound relationship between our prayers, the delay of the Second Coming, the persecution of the elect, and faith.
Release Date: 11/10/2024

Title:  Escaping the Day of Destruction
Description: The urgency of following Jesus with our whole hearts and thereby escaping the 'day of destruction'.
Release Date: 11/03/2024

Title:  Discerning God's Will
Description: Learning how to better discern God's will by striving for Christ-likeness.
Release Date: 11/03/2024

Title:  The Dew From The Lord
Description: Learning to live as the Dew from the Lord-- bringing life and blessing to the desert!
Release Date: 10/20/2024

Title:  The Dangers in the "Art of Living"
Description: Learning to discern the dangers in one of the most subtle of idols-- the "art of living".
Release Date: 09/29/2024

Title:  Days of Discontent
Description: Seeking discernment as we long for the return of our Lord in the days of discontent.
Release Date: 09/22/2024

Title:  Serving The Benevolent King
Description: Learning the joy and contentment of submission and obedience to our benevolent King.
Release Date: 09/15/2024

Title:  When the Prize is "In Christ"
Description: Striving with all our heart for a goal and a prize and a life, both now and forever, that are "in Christ".
Release Date: 09/15/2024

Title:  The Tragedy of Temporary Faith
Description: Exploring the tragic consequences of faith that does not lead to salvation.
Release Date: 09/08/2024