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The Paradox of Wrath and Redemption

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Exploring the God of both the Old and New Testaments, who is both Father and Judge.

Text: 1Pet. 1:17-21
Date: 06/16/2019, the Evening service.
Series: "Peter's Epistles: The Sojourners Handbook" Part 6

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During the millennia of the church age people have time and time again tried to separate the God of the Old Testament from the God of the New. Perhaps anticipating this, Peter makes it clear in this passage that they are one and the same-- both our Father and our Judge. He presents the God who is the Father of Jesus as being fearsome and wrathful of sins committed against Him, but at the same time as the merciful Author of our redemption. It is He who called us out of darkness, appointed His Son to be our sacrifice, raised Him from the dead, and grants us hope and faith. We will explore this glorious salvation, clearly mandated and brought about by God the Father, and then ask ourselves if indeed there is a paradox between wrath and redemption.

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I. Introduction
II. Exposition of the text, 1Pet. 1:17-21.
A. Context
B. Exploring the Heavenly Redemption.
1. Our Father and Judge, vs. 17.
a. A continued thought, 1Pet. 1:13.
b. The privilege of calling our Father.
c. The Father who is also Judge.
i. An earthbound illustration.
ii. The Heavenly Judge, Rev. 19:2.
iii. The impartial Judge.
d. Living in "Mysterium Tremendum"".
i. A healthy, reverent fear.
ii. Sojourners in an alien land.
2. The better redemption, vs. 18-19.
a. The futile attempts of their forefathers, vs. 18.
i. The comfort of redemption.
ii. Saved from futile attempts at redemption.
• For the Jews.
• For the Gentiles.
iii. Not redeemed by earthly standards.
b. A redemption of infinite value, vs. 19.
i. The precious blood of Jesus, Heb. 9:22.
ii. The perfect sacrifice, Ex. 12:5, Heb. 4:15.
3. God's eternal plan, vs. 20.
a. Pre-ordained in eternity past.
b. Made manifest in Peter's day.
4. A glorious salvation, vs. 21.
a. A precious possession.
b. Reconciled to God.
c. Anchored by the Resurrection, Phil. 2:9.
d. The God of promise.
III. Application, Rom. 2:5, 8.
IV. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams
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