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Lanterns Brightly Lit

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Meditations on being the "Light of the World".

Text: Matt. 5:14-15
Date: 07/07/2019, the Traditional service.

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In this Missions Sunday meditation, we will consider a familiar passage from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, when He declares His true disciples to be the Light of the World. After hearing the testimonies of the team members who just returned from our fourth trip to Pippa Passes, KY, we will consider how important it is to 1) have the lamp of salvation, 2) make sure it is brightly lit, 3) prominently display the Light to be seen by all, and 4) for the church to let its light shine in the darkness. We will use material gleaned from a most unusual Appalachian worship service our team attended while in Kentucky, and see just how vital it is that when we display our lanterns-- they are lanterns brightly lit! If you would like to listen to the testimonies please click here.

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I. Introduction
II. Exposition of the text, Matt. 5:14-15.
A. Context, Matt. 5:13.
B. Keeping your lantern lit.
1. You are the light of the world, vs. 14a.
a. Noticing the emphatic "you", John 8:12, 1:9.
b. Analyzing the meaning of "light".
i. The Greek understanding of "light".
ii. The Hebrew understanding of "Light", 1John 1:5.
iii. Jesus as the Light of the world, Isa. 9:2, John 1:4-5, John 12:46.
iv. The Word of God as "Light", Matt. 5:17, John 14:15.
c. The meaning of "world".
2. A city on a hill, vs. 14b.
a. The literal image of a gleaming city.
b. The figurative image of the church.
3. A light under a bushel, vs. 15.
a. The image of the lamp.
i. The literal image of a lamp.
ii. The figurative image of a lamp.
b. The image of the bushel.
c. Interpreting the image.
III. Application
A. Our youth are not just the church of tomorrow.
B. Lanterns without Light are worthless.
IV. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams
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