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The Kingdom Alliance

by Rev. Kirby Williams

In the midst of the world's dark hatred, Jesus describes an Alliance of Redemption and Light.

Text: John 15:26-27
Date: 09/22/2019, the Contemporary service.
Series: "John: Encountering Love" Part 148

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In the middle of a discussion of the hatred of the world, Jesus inserts His third promise of the advent of the Holy Spirit. This time the focus is on His mission for the Kingdom, which will be to bear witness to its King by spreading the Gospel. He then goes on to say the disciples will do the same thing. In the context of the hatred of a world that loves darkness, Jesus describes a powerful alliance of the Kingdom of Light that will be unleashed on the world at Pentecost. We will analyze this alliance, noting the overwhelming dominance of the work of the Spirit and the privilege we have as disciples to be part of it. We will find valuable lessons in this passage and ultimately come to the realization that even though the darkened world seems to have the advantage, it cannot withstand the power or the resolve of the Kingdom Alliance.

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I. Introduction, Zech. 9:8, Rom. 8:31.
II. Exposition of the text, John 15:26-27.
A. Context
B. The Grand Alliance of Redemption and Light.
1. The heavenly Witness, vs. 1.
a. When the Paraclete comes.
i. A significant "but".
• An "unfair" advantage.
• The reason for the significance.
• The nature of the significance.
ii. Looking to the future.
• The Paraclete has not come yet, John 7:39.
• The Paraclete will definitely come, Acts 1:5, Luke 24:49.
iii. Getting reacquainted with the Helper.
• Reviewing the first "Paraclete Passage", John 14:16-17.
• Reviewing the second "Paraclete Passage", John 14:26.
• Remembering the meaning of "Paraclete".
iv. An anticipated advent.
b. Defining the Spirit of Truth.
i. Analyzing the advent.
• Verifying the future aspect.
• Sent by the Son, John 14:16,26.
• Sent to the disciples, John 14:17.
ii. The Spirit of Truth, John 4:24.
iii. Proceeding from the Father.
• The "timeless present".
• The Filioque Controversy.
• The Spirit of the Son as well, Acts 5:9, Rom. 8:9,2Cor. 3:17, Gal. 4:6, Phil. 1:19, 1Pet. 1:11.
c. Bearing witness about the Son.
i. A personal "he".
ii. Bearing witness, John 14:26, Matt. 28:12-15.
iii. The Work of the Spirit.
2. The earthly witnesses, vs. 2.
a. Bearing witness for the King.
b. The nature of the witness.
i. Eye-witnesses.
ii. Bearing witness to the Truth.
iii. The preeminence of Jesus.
c. Solemn and faithful.
III. Application
A. God's amazing plan of redemption, John 14:16, Acts 1:8.
B. Lessons from the text.
1. The Kingdom Alliance fails without the Spirit, Rev. 2:5.
2. The Kingdom Alliance depends on disciples.
3. The Kingdom Alliance is focused on Jesus.
4. Engendering the hatred of the world.
5. It is not a "fair" fight.
IV. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams

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