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The Work of the Spirit

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Jesus reveals the crucial work of the Spirit in the process of salvation and sanctification.

Text: John 16:8-11
Date: 10/13/2019, the Traditional service.
Series: "John: Encountering Love" Part 151

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In this, the fourth of what are known as the "Paraclete Passages", Jesus continues to reveal crucial information about the Holy Spirit who will empower the church after He leaves. In particular, He specifies the work of the Spirit, both in the world at large and especially in the hearts of those who are being transformed. We will first define the robust word "convict" and then apply all its meanings to each of the areas Jesus says the Spirit will be involved with: namely sin, righteousness, and judgment. But as we have all ready learned, the work of the Spirit in each of these areas will be to bear witness to how Christ is the only solution to the spiritual dilemmas they create. Ultimately, we will find a poignantly personal presentation of the Gospel in these words, and thereby give thanks and celebrate the work of the Spirit who convicts us of our need for Jesus.

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I. Introduction, Acts 22,23,34,35,37,38,40,41.
II. Exposition of the text, John 16:8-11.
A. Context
B. The ministry of the Holy Spirit.
1. The convicting work of the Spirit, vs. 8.
a. Reinforcing the "coming".
b. Redefining "the world".
c. The robustness of "convict".
i. Another "hard-to-translate" word.
ii. The idea of cross-examination, John 8:44.
iii. A dual focus.
• The fallen world, John 12:39, 14:17.
• The redeemable elect.
iv. A variety of meanings.
• To expose, Matt. 23:15, 7:15, 2Cor. 11:14.
• To reprove.
• To convict.
• To convince.
v. Noticing the pattern, 1Pet. 2:8.
d. The three areas of the Spirit's convicting work.
2. Conviction concerning sin, vs. 9.
a. The nature of the conviction.
i. To expose sinfulness, Rom. 2:15, 1:21.
ii. To reprove sinfulness, Matt. 16:23, Psa. 51:3.
iii. To convict of sinfulness.
iv. To convince of sinfulness.
b. The reason for the conviction.
i. The supreme sin, John 8:24.
ii. The supreme evidence of sin.
iii. The work of the Spirit, John 3:18.
3. Conviction concerning righteousness, vs. 10.
a. The nature of the conviction.
i. To expose righteousness.
• Exposing false righteousness, Matt. 23:27.
• Exposing true righteousness, Luke 18:13.
ii. To reprove the lack of righteousness, 1Pet. 1:15, Matt. 23:28.
iii. To convict of the lack of righteousness, Isa. 64:6, Rev. 20:11-12.
iv. To convince of the need for righteousness, Matt. 5:20.
b. The righteousness of Christ, 1Cor. 5:7.
4. Conviction concerning judgment, vs. 11.
a. The nature of the conviction, Gen. 3:4-5, John 8:44.
i. To expose judgment, Matt. 12:36, 7:22-23, Luke 23:47.
ii. To reprove the ignorance of judgment, Matt. 24:50-51.
iii. To convict of the culpability for judgment, Acts 2:37.
iv. To convince of the need of a Savior.
b. The judgment of the enemy, Gen. 3:15. Col. 2:15.
5. All for Jesus, Matt. 5:48.
III. Application
IV. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams

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