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The Return of the King

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Analyzing the incredible depth of Luke's symbolic handling of the Triumphal Entry.

Text: Luke 19:28-38
Date: 01/26/2025, the Combined service.
Series: "Luke: Thy Kingdom Come" Part 180

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In this message, we come to one of the most famous events in the Gospels-- the so-called "Triumphal Entry". Even though it is included in all four of the Gospels, we will find that in Luke's Gospel there is a very special integrated and symbolic meaning. Luke brings a plethora of Scriptural themes and storylines together to set the stage for the extraordinary events of the week to come. From the symbolism of the donkey, to an unexpected typology of David, to the culmination of the Cosmic initiative, to the fulfillment of God's plan of redemption, to a symbolic enactment of the parable of the minas-- we will attempt to find Luke's unique message in this great event. In this first part of the narrative, we will be greatly encouraged as Christians to realize that this Triumphal Entry is a glorious enactment of God's intentions to seek and save the lost, and bring untold reward to the faithful when the return of the King brings peace between heaven and earth.

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I. Introduction, Ezek. 4:1-2; Hos. 1:2; John 13:4-5.
II. Exposition of the text, Luke 19:28-38.
A. Context
1. The Triumphal Entry in reverse, 2Sam. 15:23, 30.
2. The Cosmic Initiative, Gen. 3:15; 1John 5:19; Luke 19:10.
3. Tracing the return through Luke.
a. The arrival of the Kingdom of God, Luke 1:68-70, 2:11,13,14.
b. The ministry years, Luke 2:34.
i. The Galilean ministry, Luke 7:22.
ii. The Perean ministry, Luke 9:51.
iii. The restoration of the Imago Dei.
iv. The nature of Kingdom-dwellers.
v. The doctrines of redemption.
4. The parable of the Minas.
B. Analyzing the Triumphal Entry.
1. Setting the scene, vs. 28-29.
a. Including the parable of the Minas, vs. 28a.
b. Another picture of boldness, vs. 28b, Mark 10:32.
c. Reaching the staging area, vs. 29.
i. The location, vs. 29a.
1) The Mount of Olives.
a) The significance in the Gospels.
b) The significance in the Old Testament, 2Sam. 15:32; Ezek. 11:23; Zech. 14:4.
2) The town of Bethany.
3) The village of Bethphage.
ii. The two disciples, vs. 29b, 30a.
2. Jesus' instructions, vs. 30-31.
a. The importance of the donkey, vs. 30b.
i. The description of the donkey.
1) A colt of a donkey, Matt. 21:2.
2) A colt belonging to someone else.
3) The colt's first passenger.
ii. Noticing Luke's omission, Matt. 21:4,5; John 12:14-15.
b. The omniscience of Jesus, vs. 30b, 31.
i. The command to untie the donkey, vs. 30b.
ii. What to do if questioned, vs. 31.
3. Following instructions, vs. 32-34.
a. Noting the careful obedience.
b. Pondering the unusual command.
i. A pre-arranged use.
ii. The omniscient work of the Spirit.
4. The familiar scene, vs. 35-37, Matt. 21:8,9; John 12:12,13,17,18.
5. The meaningful exclamation, vs. 38.
a. The nature of the exclamation, Psa. 118:26.
i. Partially repeated in all four Gospels, Luke 13:35.
ii. Partially unique to Luke.
b. Looking at the words.
i. Blessed is the Coming One.
ii. The King.
iii. In the name of the Lord, Col. 1:19.
iv. In heaven peace.
1) An inclusio, Luke 2:14.
2) The bi-product of peace.
3) The significance of the donkey, Rev. 19:11.
c. Putting the words together.
C. Interpretation, Acts 1:6.
III. Application
IV. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams

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