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When You Need A New Father

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Understanding the necessity for spiritual rebirth with a new Father.

Text: John 8:41-47
Date: 10/15/2017, the Traditional service.
Series: "John: Encountering Love" Part 65

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The confrontation between Jesus and the Jews in the Temple of Jerusalem continues as the dialog reaches a dramatic climax. Jesus finally makes it clear to His interlocutors who their real Father is. It is not Abraham, it is not God-- but the evil father of all lies, the devil! One can only imagine the electrifying shock that passed through the self-righteous religious leaders of the Jews, when Jesus clearly states the reason they do not love Him, and His words find no place in them is because they are of the seed of the serpent and literally the henchman of satan. We will find profound lessons for the church and all Christians today as we make our way through this text. But ultimately we will rejoice in the glorious work of the Gospel as we realize our need for a new Father and how God has adopted those who truly believe through the Crosswork of Jesus the Christ!

View:  Options: 

I. Introduction, Ruth 1:16.
II. Exposition of the text, John 8:41-47.
A. Context
B. Fathers and sons.
1. A step beyond Abraham, vs. 41.
a. Establishing the flow of the dialog, John 8:39-40.
b. A more direct inference.
c. Claiming God as Father.
d. Claiming legitimacy.
2. The lack of fruit, vs. 42.
a. Inseparable, John 5:23, 38.
b. Setting the stage, Gen. 3:15.
c. The mission of the Christ.
d. The implicit inverse, 1John 5:1.
3. No place for the Word, vs. 43.
a. Strengthening a repetitive theme, John 8:31, 37.
b. A closer look.
c. Spiritual obtuseness.
4. The stunning heart of the argument, vs. 44.
a. The evil father.
b. The bondage of the will, John 8:29, 31, 3:7.
c. The nature of the evil father.
i. The ultimate mass murderer.
ii. A stranger to the truth, John 8:32, 1:14, 8:36.
iii. The father of lies, Ex. 20:16, Gen. 2:17, 3:4, Heb. 6:18.
5. The reason for unbelief revealed, vs. 45.
6. The holiness of the Son, vs. 46a.
a. Appealing to the heavenly courts, John 8:23.
b. Proof the Son was sinless.
c. A modern disconnect.
7. Concluding the argument, vs. 46b-47.
III. Application
A. The need for a new Father, John 3:7, 1Cor. 2:9.
B. The tenacity of the evil father, John 10:29, Gen. 4:7, 1Pet. 5:8.
C. The ultimate victory of the One True Father, James 4:7.
IV. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams
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