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The Golden Key and the Door to Glory

by Rev. Kirby Williams

A graphic allegory of the summation of Jesus' ministry and His Gospel.

Text: John 12:44-50
Date: 11/25/2018, the Traditional service.
Series: "John: Encountering Love" Part 112

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At the end of His public ministry, Jesus cries out with an impassioned plea to the people who are around Him to believe in Him and follow His Light. For the last time, He presents Himself as the Son of the Father, the Apostler from heaven, come to bring the Light of Life to all who will simply believe in Him. At the same time He leaves them with a stern warning of the condemnation that comes from rejecting Him. It is a summary of His mission and purpose as well as a passionate invitation to believe in the Gospel and be saved. We will analyze the text in which Jesus summarizes many of the truths and themes of His discourses-- but in a somewhat unusual manner. We will build an allegorical image around the text to try and graphically describe the overarching imagery of the two kingdoms of Light and darkness and the confusion many feel when confronted with the Son of Man for the first time. In the midst of the cacophony of deceptions, a solitary voice standing under the Light of truth points out the way, and all who heed His voice will find not only the narrow way that leads to Life, but the Golden Key that opens the Door to Glory.

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I. Introduction
II. Exposition of the text, John 12:44-50.
A. Context
B. Words of Hope, vs. 44-46.
1. The Golden Key, vs 44.
a. An impassioned plea.
b. The key to the narrow way.
c. The quality of belief.
d. Shared belief, John 10:30, 5:19.
2. Truly "seeing" Jesus, vs. 45, John 12:40.
3. The Apostle of Light, vs. 46, John 1:12, 8:12.
C. Words of Warning, vs. 47-48.
1. The Word as Savior, vs. 47.
a. Focus on the words.
b. Jesus' role in judgment, John 3:17, 9:39, 5:22, 8:16.
2. The Word as judge, vs. 48.
a. The warning of judgment, John 12:31, 6:68, 8:24.
b. The Word as Law.
c. Grappling with Hell, Matt. 8:11-12.
D. Words of Life, vs. 49-50.
1. Words from the Father, vs. 49.
2. Instructions for Life, vs. 50.
III. Application, John 12:35, 36, 10:9, 12:26, 11:25,26, Acts 14:22, John 10:9, iCor. 2:9, Matt. 25:21.
IV. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams
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